Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!

Back on Tuesday. Enjoy.

Man Man - "Rabbit Habits"

The Stone Roses - "I Am The Resurrection"

Frightened Rabbit - "Head Rolls Off"

Let's Active - "Every Word Means No"


  1. Wait, I'm unsure here. Where you the presenter of the Let's Active song, along with Rob, back in your Lethbridge days, or were you the lead singer of this band circa '91? Just teasing. You're going to get a complex over this. Is this Pastels rock via Halifax?

    The Frightened Rabbit song is cute but what I really liked was the Man Man video. I like Fred Armesin a lot. He's one of the few modern comedians I can dig. Those Adam Sandbornes or that stuttering guy from SNL that could never keep a straight face... all trash. I also dig that Asian girl from the video.

    Does Fred have a bit of a River's Comou thing for Asians? "God damn you half..."

    Happy Good Friday. It's a normal work day here but the pubs are closed and you can't buy alcohol anywhere. Poo!


  2. More like "per weekem"...

