Saturday, September 5, 2009

Allman Brothers - "Jessica"


  1. I wonder if this kind of playing is just like sleeping or eating for these guys. You know, no big deal, I'll just play this hot series of licks while I figure out my tax return in my head.

    You know the last page I looked at before coming here was on this festival in Manitoba I went to when I was 3 years old. It was called the Boggy Creek Jamboree. These guys would have fit into the mostly "mountain music" program.

  2. It's kind of like everyone just interrupted one of their poker games...

    Re: your Bog festival - I think Mountain themselves would really fit the bill. I wonder if there's a decent clip for "Mississippi Queen" out there?

    Ok, I'll answer my own question:

    Taken from, no less, the Goose Lake Music festival.
