Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lush - "Hypocrite"


  1. Again! A woman I had a boner for as a teen yet now.. nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the mid-90's indie chicks (see most Stereolab videos) but for the most part, I just can't stand the dyed hair and belly shirts.

    I have to say, that song they did with Jarvis was pretty timeless, though. And a laugh!

  2. Gary, please. This is a family blog. Please leave your 'boner' comments elsewhere.

    But I know what you mean - it is a very timely look. Expect my teenage girl to be rockin' it in 2025.

    Hands off.

  3. A propos of almost nothing, I hereby disclose my crush for Tanya Donelly, circa 1991. The impetus was the video for "Not Too Soon". May I humbly request the video for that, Abram?

    I was vaguely haunted by how she descended that stair case. Do you remember that video or that scene?

  4. I usually just refrain from commenting, but that was bad enough that I'm actually going on record here with a "No comment."
