Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Manu Chao - "Clandestino"


  1. Is this one of those famous Brazilian parties I've heard so much about?

  2. This is taken from a concert in France, believe it or not.

    You'll notice the absence of whistles and half-naked women hoisted on shoulders.

  3. Aw, dude, put your shirt back on.

    Did he just day "mi gusta marijuana, mi gusta marijuana"? Or is that just every other Manu Chao song.


  4. No way - keep the shirts off! I was watching this video at work thinking "Man, some life: shirts off, playing to thousands of French hippies in the warm summer air.... yes boss, I'll get that off to you this afternoon. No, Mr. Wilkinson - that file hasn't been processed yet. I told Peterson in Accounts that he should take care of it. Dammit, Maureen! I said NO cream in my coffee. Where's my scotch? Maureen! Maurrrrreeeeeeeen!"
