Thursday, May 7, 2009

Public Image Ltd. - "Seattle"


  1. These are grown men. Grown men made this music and dressed in this manner. My god. Adam, tell me, you must have seen this on tv as a kid or something. Tell me you didn't come across it late one night.


  2. Yeah... I was about 14 when I first heard this. I think I thought John Lydon was cool when I was - oh, I don't know - 12 or something, and may have thought PiL were neat at 14, but never enough to buy any of their stuff.

    I had a friend down the street that would make me mix-tapes from his older brother's record collection. I'm sure those tapes would still stand up today... "Seattle" was on one of those. That's what I remember.

    This blog is totally turning into my online version of "The Notebook." Gary, you'll have to read this at my bedside when I start to lose it.
