Thursday, January 14, 2010

Phosphorescent - "A Picture of Our Torn Up Praise"


  1. Wow, this is nice. Did I ever give you a promo for this? I was thinking the other that I may have traded around 300-500 CD's (mostly crap) in the last 5 years, and I've only regreted about 20-25 titles. He was one of them.

    Great video.

  2. As a matter of fact, you did give me a promo of this. And I enjoyed (and still enjoy) the shit out of it.

    My re-sale regrets are thankfully only around the 10-15 range.

    Riddle me this: have you ever re-bought an album that you had previously sold? I don't think I have... I'll think about it. Ok?

    P.S. Next time I come over to your house, I'm having Owen bring a plate of freshly harvested gourds for you and Gemma.
