Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cat Power - "He War"


  1. This was about the last time I really liked Chan Marshell. She's right at the crossroads where she'd become this ropey, leathery, chain smoking glamour lady. All my crushes for her collapsed when she came back all sober, ultra tanned, cocky and with a six pack. When you look at her in the 90's, she reminds you of your first alternative girlfriend, a real Julie Doiron type. Now... the perfume, the fashion... I don't know.

  2. This one is from 2003. In between two eras of Chan Marshall that I never really cared about. I saw her perform solo in this theatre once and she scolded the audience for their loud breathing. I'm sure she eventually ran off the stage and cried; I can't remember.

    I do like this video, though. It's very late-summery. I like the lighting.
