Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sammy - "Evergladed"


  1. Hey I like this song... these guys like Pavement, right? Holy shit, totally Malkmus!
    Those were the days, huh? So, give it to me... tell me something interesting about this band. I could look it up but I prefer getting it from you. Songs you gave to a girl on a mixtape, someone you saw at the Republic or in London or thatt tme you went to Another Roadside Attraction.

  2. Yeah, Sammy were only known for sounding exactly like Pavement, which back then was a pretty ballsy thing to do – considering at the time all the haters would go on about how much Pavement ripped off The Fall.

    Not like today where there's a millions indie pop bands that sound exactly like the Shins yet everyone keeps shtum about the whole thing.

    I don't have much else interesting to report on these guys other than I used to own their debut album (appropriately called "Debut Album") but it was purloined in the great robbery of '99 and I never bothered to track it down again.

    I wouldn't mind listening to it, but pretend that it's a lost Pavement record.
