Yeah... nice, written by the Gibb brothers. You know, I'm quite fond of the Bee Gees' 60's work. Have you ever seen the Rock Profile, the former show by Little Britian guys, with the Bee Gees? It's a pretty weak show but that episode was pretty great.
Yeah... nice, written by the Gibb brothers. You know, I'm quite fond of the Bee Gees' 60's work. Have you ever seen the Rock Profile, the former show by Little Britian guys, with the Bee Gees? It's a pretty weak show but that episode was pretty great.
ReplyDeleteI stopped following those dudes after Little Britain USA. Man, that stunk. Seriously...
ReplyDeleteBut I bet you'd like to convince me otherwise. You probably really dug that Bing Gordyn character, didn't you?
Wait a minute, didn't we already discuss this?
Also, I'm surprised these guys didn't sue Robert Schneider.