Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mos Def - "Quiet Dog Bite Hard" (Live on The Late Show)


  1. Yeah, love Mos Def. The cover of his new album is a frame from one of my favorite movies "The Killer of Sheep". I saw it with Joe a couple of years ago. Good stuff. Love the Kuti quote at the beginning.

    I used to work with this girl whose boyfriend was a hardcore wigger on the Vancouver hip-hop scene. She loved Mos Def but she claimed he was a hardcore racist. I tried to be skeptical and say he probably wouldn't be getting the film roles he gets if he was a known racist but she wouldn't listen. She said, "Well, he just doesn't like being around white people." "What.... at all?"

    Love the chorus on this one.

  2. Yeah.. I've taken "Killer of Sheep" out from the library twice and never got around to watching it either time. The first time I fell asleep within the first five minutes. I know, I know, it's good. I'll get there, don't worry.
